The company Interpharmac, s.r.o. operates on the Czech market as a supplier of proven and safe products from the world's leading manufacturers of medical supplies through the "ZELENÁ HVĚZDA" project. Our leading partner is B. Braun Medical, with its comprehensive portfolio of medical supplies and equipment. Within this segment, we specialize in service, supplies, and consulting in medical supplies.
Part of the comprehensive services related to supply is also providing a specific range of medical supplies. It is complete coverage of the needs of medical facilities with all necessary medical supplies, including :
In this sector, we also offer advice and the provision of aids in the following areas :
Do not hesitate to contact our team of experts - we will find an individual solution for you too!
Ing. Tomáš Rusnok
Director of the Medical Devices
and Key Customers Division
+420 777 775 129
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